Friday, 1 July 2016

Post Brexit Actions

We are many of us grieving - but we have a duty to keep our grieve brief and move in to action. I am not the only person to compile a list of possible actions - nor is this exhaustive. But hear are my thoughts for what they are worth. Pleas do add suggestions in comments section or links to other good ideas. 
  • Reach out to comfort people - send texts, flowers love to those who might be feeling scared and depressed.
  • Reach out to listen to people - Regardless of how you voted and very especially if your white. We need to understand what racism is. It is no longer sufficient to say you are not racist. We live in a racist system we need to learn about it and how it impacts on the lives of people of coulor. Ask friends what it means to live in a white supremacist world. Read alternative media. Great start is Media Diversified.
  • Reach out to confront people - Friend or family says something racist? How are you going to respond? Practice those conversations now before you need to have them. Have you historically missed opportunities? How can you do it better next time?
  • Take action. Wear a safety pin if you will but it is no longer sufficient to say you are not a racists. You now need to be an anti-racist. You need to take action. Find local community groups join. Go to rallies. Fall in behind the leadership of migrant communities and people of color.
  • Join a trade union
  • Join a political party - I have my biases (Labor) but  if your a person of peace and integrity - get involved. I want to see Labor under Jeremy Corbyn do well but I want to see the Lib Dems do well, I want to see the Greens do well and Plaid. 
  • Join a local community group working to relief the worst of austerity politics.
  • Read- My suggestion for post brexit reading is hooks 'All about Love' and Freire 'Pedagogy of Freedom'. Add your suggestions bellow.
  • Reflect how you talk to children - if you have any formative nurturing contact with children - teacher, parent, aunt how are you going to talk to them about whats happening. Many of them are scared and confused.
  • Action- Reflection-Action-Reflection keep going to grow.
  • Pray

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